HOW CAN YOU NOT FIND OVARIES?!?!?!?! He's found them many times before. They found them 9 days ago for my CD3 ultrasound. My uterus is tilted back which he says makes the ovaries far away from the cervix/vagina.
The lining of my uterus looks good so he's assuming I at least have a follicle or two and told me to trigger tomorrow. He gave me the option of sitting this month out, but also added the trigger shot wouldn't hurt anything if I took it without follicles.
I will do my Peak+7 ultrasound and see what it says. Who the hell knows?!?!
I asked him if this could be a sign I have adhesions or endo...he said no. I'm not sure I believe it.
On a happier note, there is LOTS of good news flying around the blogosphere....lots of new babies. I LOVE IT!!
I also had an infertility support group meeting tonight and it was great as always. It seemed much smaller than usual, but sometimes that is nice. I met a new lady at the group tonight. Hi...if you're reading!! :) I was even
The only bummer about Catholic infertility groups is I walking away feeling like a horrible Catholic. So uneducated. I like to blame it on the fact that I converted, but I think its more likely that I'm just lazy. I could read more books, listen to more Catholic radio, etc. I feel like there is so much I don't know about it. I'm not immersed in it like I feel I should be. So for now I will pray, that will have to work.